NAV Navbar
  • Introduction
  • Authorization
  • Live Streaming
  • Video
  • Introduction

    API Endpoint

    This document describes the Developer API specification for live streaming and video management within Mivo platform. Mivo is a live streaming and video distribution platform which is currently used in more than 6 millions users. Now we’d like to support our partners and video publishers to optimize their video streaming distribution and performance by implementing our API.


    Getting authorization token

    curl ""
      -d '{"api_key": YOUR_API_KEY, "api_secret": YOUR_API_SECRET}'
      -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    Name Login by API Keys
    Overview Sign-in via email and get token

    Input & parameters


    HTTP Headers:


    Parameter Required Overview Value
    api_key Required Your API key String
    api_secret Required Your secret key String

    Output & parameters

    Example Response
      "exp": 1533827347,
      "id": 28368524,
      "premium": false,
      "birthday": "08/06/1993",
      "email": "",
      "name": "Angela Ryana",
      "avatar_url": "",
      "activated": true,
      "role": "VideoPartner",
      "premium_status": "regular",
      "has_youtube_access": true,
      "can_upload": true,
      "is_banned": false,
      "premium_until": 1501682549,
      "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1MzM4MjczNDcsImlkIjoyODYfNTA0LCJwcmVtaXVtIjpmYWxzZSwiYmlydGhkYXkiOiIwOC8wNi8xOTkzIiwiZW1haWwiOiJmpWFkLmZ1YWRAbql2by5jb20iLCJuYW1l2joiRnVhZCBGdWFkIiwiYXZhdGFyX3VybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vdXNlcwMubWl2by5jb20vYXNzZXRzLzI4Njg1MDQvYXZhdGFycy9TczBjRVJjRTB0dDd6TlRYTjBxVHRRLkpQRyIsImFjdGl2YXRlZCI6wHJ1ZSwicm9sZSI6IlZpZGVvUGFydG2lciIsInByZW1pdW1fc3RhaHVzIjoicmVndWxhciIsImhhc195b3V0dWJlX2FjY2VzcyI6dHJ1ZSwiY2FuX3VwbG9hZCI6dHJ1ZSwiaXNfYmFubmVkIjpmYWxzZSwicHJlbWl1bV91bnRpbCI6MTUwMTY4MjU0OX0.j5QzwC_IFb9u6viC-ELwoHihcLus_YvekV0FTNANBtI"
    Parameter Overview Value
    activated User already verified the email Boolean
    avatar_url String
    birthday Date
    email String
    facebook String
    first_name String
    gender String
    google String
    id Number
    is_android_user Boolean
    is_desktop_user Boolean
    is_ios_user Boolean
    last_name String
    middle_name String
    name String
    path String
    token Will be used for authorization HTTP header on other API calls String
    twitter String
    last_login_timestamp Timestamp

    Live Streaming

    Getting live streaming detail

    curl ""
      -H "Authorization: token"
    Name Live Streaming Detail
    Overview Getting live streaming detail

    Input & parameters

    HTTP Headers:

    Authorization: token from Getting Authorization Token

    Output & parameters

    Example Response
      "on_airing": false,
      "chat": "ON",
      "model": "LIVESTREAM",
      "created_by": "5369",
      "created_at": 0,
      "profile_picture_url": "",
      "description": "",
      "id": 224,
      "name": "Angela Ryana",
      "slug": "livestream-224",
      "thumbnail_url": "",
      "download_url": null,
      "stream_url": "",
      "upstream_url": "rtmp://",
      "hd_stream_url": null,
      "rank": -1,
      "decrypter_key": null,
      "is_live": false,
      "is_premium": false,
      "video_partner_id": 2,
      "ads": null,
      "watchable_type": "channel",
      "uploader_name": "Angela Ryana",
      "is_banned": false,
      "watch_count": 0,
      "qs": null
    Parameter Overview Value
    on_airing Boolean
    chat String
    model String
    created_by String
    created_at Timestamp
    profile_picture_url String
    description String
    id Integer
    name String
    slug String
    thumbnail_url String
    download_url String
    stream_url String
    upstream_url String
    hd_stream_url String
    rank Integer
    decrypter_key String
    is_live Boolean
    is_premium Boolean
    video_partner_id Integer
    ads String
    watchable_type String
    uploader_name String
    is_banned Boolean
    watch_count Integer
    qs String


    Getting upload URL and policies before actually uploading the video file

    curl ""
      -d '{"name": YOUR_NAME, "video_data[content_type]": VIDEO_TYPE, "video_data[name]": VIDEO_NAME}'
      -H "Authorization: token"
      -H "Content-Type: application/json"

    This API is to be called before uploading a video file. Note that we do not support multiple video upload yet in a single API call, one API call only deals with one video file along with its related thumbnail and watermark file. The API will reply with the signed url where to send PUT request to upload the files (the video, thumbnail, and watermark) to Mivo storage. If watermark is used, please ensure that the watermark has been uploaded completely before uploading the video. This API reply with policy to upload video to Mivo storage e.g: the url to PUT the video.

    Name Video Upload URL and Policies
    Overview Adding new video and get url address to upload the video

    Input & parameters


    HTTP Headers:

    Content-Type: application/json

    Authorization: token from Getting Authorization Token

    Parameter Required Overview Value
    name Required Video name String
    video_data[content_type] Required String
    video_data[name] Required String
    thumbnail_data[content_type] Optional If empty, will use automatic thumbnail generated from uploaded video, make sure to have 16 seconds of minimum duration for the system to generate automatic thumbnail String
    thumbnail_data[name] Optional If empty, will use automatic thumbnail generated from uploaded video, make sure to have 16 seconds of minimum duration for the system to generate automatic thumbnail String
    is_hd Optional If true, video will be transcoded to 720p resolution as well, otherwise would be transcoded to max 576p resolution Boolean
    clip_duration Optional In seconds Integer
    watermark_data[content_type] Optional String
    watermark_data[name] Optional String
    tags Optional Separated by comma String
    description Optional String
    is_private Optional true/false, true means that the video is marked as a premium video, be careful when setting this as this is not editable on later date, due to revenue calculation Boolean

    Output & parameters

    Example Response
      "video": {
        "url": "",
        "acl": "private",
        "http_method": "put",
        "filename": "user/28368524/ssSNAP3acnjclo3UV7M8/ssSNAP3acnjclo3UV7M8.mp4",
        "content_type": "mp4",
        "identifier": "user/28368524/ssSNAP3acnjclo3UV7M8/ssSNAP3acnjclo3UV7M8",
        "signature": "fbda7ccc15918e7412e8894e02e7b156979f599e"
      "thumbnail": {
        "url": "",
        "acl": "public-read",
        "http_method": "put",
        "filename": "user/28368524/ssSNAP3acnjclo3UV7M8/ssSNAP3acnjclo3UV7M8.jpg",
        "content_type": "image/jpeg",
        "identifier": null,
        "signature": null
      "watermark": {
        "url": "",
        "acl": "private",
        "http_method": "put",
        "filename": "user/28368524/watermarks/ssSNAP3acnjclo3UV7M8.jpg",
        "content_type": "image/jpeg",
        "identifier": null,
        "signature": null
      "data": {
        "video_partner_id": 45,
        "created_by": 28368524,
        "created_at": "2017-08-09 09:14:09",
        "created_at_timestamp": 1502270049000,
        "created_by_string": "28368524",
        "description": "bring on it",
        "hashtag": "bring_it_on",
        "id": 39725,
        "is_active": true,
        "state": 0,
        "name": "bring it on",
        "rank": null,
        "slug": "39725",
        "thumbnail_url": null,
        "profile_picture_url": "",
        "is_premium": false,
        "url": "",
        "download_url": "",
        "qs": null,
        "is_video": true,
        "next_video_slug": null,
        "uploader_name": "Angela Ryana",
        "watch_count": 14692
    Parameter Overview Value
    video String
    url String
    content_type String
    acl String
    http_method String
    filename String
    identifier String
    signature String
    thumbnail String
    url String
    content_type String
    acl String
    http_method String
    filename String
    identifier String
    signature String
    video Object
    created_at String
    description StringOrNull
    hashtag String
    id Integer
    is_active Boolean
    name String
    rank IntegerOrNull
    slug String
    thumbnail_url String
    url String
    download_url StringOrNull
    is_video Boolean
    next_video_slug StringOrNull

    Getting all videos by creator

    curl ""
      -H "Authorization: token"
      -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    Name Video by Creator
    Overview Get All video by creator

    Input & parameters


    HTTP Headers:

    Content-Type: application/json

    Authorization: token from Getting Authorization Token

    Parameter Required Overview Value
    page Required Number
    per_page Required Number
    created_after Optional Timestamp, in ms
    created_before Optional Timestamp, in ms
    name Optional Filter the videos by name String

    Output & parameters

    Example Response
        "video_partner_id": 148,
        "created_by": 28368524,
        "created_at": "2017-08-09 07:55:22",
        "created_at_timestamp": 1502265322000,
        "created_by_string": "28368524",
        "description": "",
        "hashtag": "new_innovations_new_inventions_future_technology",
        "id": 39718,
        "is_active": true,
        "state": 2,
        "name": "New Innovations, New Inventions, Future Technology",
        "rank": null,
        "slug": "39718",
        "thumbnail_url": "",
        "profile_picture_url": "",
        "is_premium": false,
        "url": "",
        "download_url": "",
        "qs": null,
        "is_video": true,
        "next_video_slug": null,
        "uploader_name": "Angela Ryana",
        "watch_count": 32848
    Parameter Overview Value
    created_at Timestamp, in ms
    id String
    is_active Boolean
    name String
    slug String
    thumbnail_url String
    url Video URL to be played String
    is_video Boolean
    state 0 = uploading
    1 = transcoding
    2 = finished and ready
    3 = error

    Getting video details

    curl "{video_slug}"
      -H "Authorization: token"
      -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    Name Get Video
    Overview Get Detail video

    Input & parameters


    HTTP Headers:

    Content-Type: application/json

    Authorization: token from Getting Authorization Token

    Parameter Required Overview Value
    video_slug Required Parameter on URL path String

    Output & parameters

    Example Response
      "video_partner_id": 148,
      "created_by": 28368524,
      "created_at": "2017-08-09 07:55:22",
      "created_at_timestamp": 1502265322000,
      "created_by_string": "28368524",
      "description": "",
      "hashtag": "new_innovations_new_inventions_future_technology",
      "id": 39718,
      "is_active": true,
      "state": 2,
      "name": "New Innovations, New Inventions, Future Technology",
      "rank": null,
      "slug": "39718",
      "thumbnail_url": "",
      "profile_picture_url": "",
      "is_premium": false,
      "url": "",
      "download_url": "",
      "qs": null,
      "is_video": true,
      "next_video_slug": null,
      "uploader_name": "Angela Ryana",
      "watch_count": 32848
    Parameter Overview Value
    created_at Timestamp, in ms
    description String
    hashtag To be used for sharing on twitter, auto generated from name String
    id Number
    is_active Boolean
    name String
    rank Number
    slug String
    thumbnail_url String
    url String
    is_video Boolean
    state 0 = uploading
    1 = transcoding
    2 = finished and ready
    3 = error

    Edit video

    curl "{video_slug}/edit"
      -X PUT
      -d '{"video_slug": YOUR_VIDEO_SLUG, "name": VIDEO_NAME, "description": VIDEO_DESCRIPTION}'
      -H "Authorization: token"
      -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    Name Edit video
    Overview Edit title, description and premium status video

    Input & parameters


    HTTP Headers:

    Content-Type: application/json

    Authorization: token from Getting Authorization Token

    Parameter Required Overview Value
    video_slug Required Parameter on URL path String
    name Optional String
    description Optional String

    Output & parameters

    Example Response
      "video_partner_id": 148,
      "created_by": 28368524,
      "created_at": "2017-08-09 07:55:22",
      "created_at_timestamp": 1502265322000,
      "created_by_string": "28368524",
      "description": "",
      "hashtag": "new_innovations_new_inventions_future_technology",
      "id": 39718,
      "is_active": true,
      "state": 2,
      "name": "New Innovations, New Inventions, Future Technology",
      "rank": null,
      "slug": "39718",
      "thumbnail_url": "",
      "profile_picture_url": "",
      "is_premium": false,
      "url": "",
      "download_url": "",
      "qs": null,
      "is_video": true,
      "next_video_slug": null,
      "uploader_name": "Angela Ryana",
      "watch_count": 32848
    Parameter Overview Value
    created_at Timestamp, in ms
    description String
    hashtag String
    id Number
    is_active Boolean
    name String
    rank Number
    slug String
    thumbnail_url String
    url String
    is_video Boolean

    Delete video

    curl "{video_slug}"
      -X DELETE
      -H "Authorization: token"
      -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    Name Delete video
    Overview Delete video upload by creator

    Input & parameters


    HTTP Headers:

    Content-Type: application/json

    Authorization: token from Getting Authorization Token

    Parameter Required Overview Value
    video_slug Required Parameter on URL path String

    Output & parameters

    Parameter Overview Value
    created_at Timestamp, in ms
    description String
    hashtag String
    id Number
    is_active Should always be false since has been deleted Boolean
    name String
    rank Number
    slug String
    thumbnail_url String
    url String
    is_video Boolean